Agriculture Development in Pakistan MCQs

Which of the following is a key challenge faced by agriculture in Pakistan?
A) Over-reliance on cash crops
B) Insufficient use of chemical fertilizers
C) Lack of agricultural labor
D) Excessive use of irrigation water

Which government agency is responsible for regulating seed quality in Pakistan?
A) Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC)
B) Ministry of National Food Security and Research
C) Pakistan Agricultural Storage and Services Corporation (PASSCO)
D) Federal Seed Certification and Registration Department (FSCRD)

What is the primary objective of the Prime Minister’s Kissan Package in Pakistan?
A) Promotes crop export subsidies
B) Provides relief to small farmers through financial support
C) Encourages mechanized farming
D) Promotes organic farming practices

Which agricultural technique is commonly used to conserve water in arid regions of Pakistan?
A) Flood irrigation
B) Drip irrigation
C) Canal irrigation
D) Rainfed agriculture

Which of the following provinces in Pakistan is known for its production of Basmati rice?
A) Sindh
B) Punjab
C) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
D) Balochistan

What is the purpose of the Livestock Insurance Scheme in Pakistan?
A) Provides insurance against livestock diseases
B) Protects livestock from predators
C) Subsidizes livestock feed prices
D) Promotes organic livestock farming

Which agricultural practice is common in the northern regions of Pakistan?
A) Poultry farming
B) Beekeeping
C) Apricot cultivation
D) Sugarcane farming

What is the primary focus of the National Fertilizer Policy of Pakistan?
A) Promotes organic farming techniques
B) Regulates fertilizer prices
C) Ensures availability of quality fertilizers
D) Encourages crop diversification

Which crop is commonly grown in the Thar Desert region of Pakistan?
A) Wheat
B) Rice
C) Cotton
D) Millet

What is the purpose of the Prime Minister’s Green Tractor Scheme in Pakistan?
A) Promotes eco-friendly tractor models
B) Subsidizes tractor purchases for farmers
C) Encourages crop rotation practices
D) Implements sustainable farming techniques

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