Arab is bounded by water and called____________?
A) Jazirat-al-Arab
B) Behr-al-Khalil
C) Jazirat-al-Khalil
D) None of these
The date-palm is the queen of trees in_________?
A) S.A
B) Iraq
C) Arab
D) Syria
The dwellers of the desert in Arabia are called_________?
A) Bedouins
B) Arabs
C) Christians
D) Usmanis
The most fertile tract in Arabia is _________?
A) Syria
B) Kuwait
C) Yemen
D) Iran
The period Qadeem preceding is rise of Islam is known _________?
A) Ayyam-I-Qadeem
B) Jahiliyah
C) Period of ignorance
D) None of these
Before preceding Islam, Arab were divided in _________?
A) One Tribe
B) No Tribe
C) 10 Tribes
D) Many Tribes
The land of Arabia was _________?
A) Fertile
B) Moderate
C) Barren
D) Non-fertile
The pre-Islamic Arabs worshipped many _________?
A) Gods
B) Water
C) Goddesses
D) Animals
Polygamy and polyandry was prevalent among _________?
A) U.S.A
B) Arabs
C) Christians
D) Jews
The women were In miserable condition before _________?
A) Hindumat
B) Islam
C) Judaism
D) None of these