Classroom Management MCQs

What is a common technique for managing disruptive behavior without causing embarrassment to the student?
  1. A) Publicly scolding the student
  2. B) Calling the student’s parents during class
  3. C) Using private signals or cues
  4. D) Asking other students to discipline the student
Respect your classmates is a principle of…………
  1. A) Administration
  2. B) Direction
  3. C) Both A & B
  4. D) Classroom Management
What is the purpose of a “time-out” in classroom discipline?
  1. A) To give students extra time to complete their work
  2. B) To remove a student from a situation to calm down and reflect
  3. C) To reward good behavior
  4. D) To encourage group discussions
Classroom management is the process of creating and maintaining a safe and productive …….
  1. A) Learning
  2. B) Teaching
  3. C) Both
  4. D) None of these
Classroom management involves a variety of ……and techniques that teachers use to promote positive behavior.
  1. A) Strategies
  2. B) Tactics
  3. C) Both
  4. D) None of these
Classroom management engage students in learning, and foster a sense of community and mutual respect among…….
  1. A) Teachers
  2. B) Staff
  3. C) Students
  4. D) All of these
Establishing Rapport and Building Relationships is a principle of………
  1. A) Classroom Management
  2. B) Administration
  3. C) Direction
  4. D) All of these
Having a Clear and Concise Behavior Policy is a principle of………
  1. A) Administration
  2. B) Classroom Management
  3. C) Direction
  4. D) All of these
The Law of Effect can be effectively used in____________?
  1. A) Accelerate learning
  2. B) Curriculum development
  3. C) Classroom Management
  4. D) Teaching methods
To make classroom teaching more effectively every teacher should
  1. A) Discuss with colleagues
  2. B) Analyze the responses of students
  3. C) Publish his/her writing
  4. D) All of the above
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