In MS PowerPoint, what is the term for a view that displays a presentation in full-screen mode for the audience to see?
A) Slide Sorter View
B) Slide Master View
C) Presenter View
D) Slide Show View

Which MS Office application is used for creating and editing documents that require collaboration among multiple users in real-time?
A) MS Word
B) MS Excel
C) MS PowerPoint
D) MS Word Online

In MS Word, what is the term for a reference to another part of a document, such as a page number or a heading, that updates automatically if the document’s structure changes?
A) Hyperlink
B) Bookmark
C) Cross-reference
D) Field

What is the function of the Excel function “TEXT”?
A) Calculate the sum of numbers in a range
B) Find the maximum value in a range
C) Convert a number to text format
D) Format a number as text with a specified format

In MS PowerPoint, what is the term for the view that displays the slides in a linear sequence, one after the other?
A) Slide Sorter View
B) Outline View
C) Slide Show View
D) Presenter View

Which MS Office application is used for creating and editing documents that are stored in the cloud and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection?
A) MS Word
B) MS Excel
C) MS OneDrive
D) MS PowerPoint

In MS Word, what is the term for a line that appears at the bottom of a page and indicates the location of a note or citation?
A) Footer
B) Endnote
C) Footnote
D) Header

What is the function of the Excel function “DATE”?
A) Calculate the sum of numbers in a range
B) Find the maximum value in a range
C) Calculate the average of numbers in a range
D) Return the date in a specified format

In MS PowerPoint, what is the term for a view that allows you to customize the slide design, layout, and formatting for the entire presentation?
A) Slide Sorter View
B) Slide Master View
C) Slide Master View
D) Slide Show View

Which MS Office application is used for creating and editing documents that are designed for sharing and collaboration in real-time, similar to Google Docs?
A) MS Word
B) MS Excel
C) MS Word Online
D) MS PowerPoint


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