In MS Word, what is the term for a feature that allows you to view and edit two different parts of a document at the same time?
A) Dual Mode
B) Split View
C) Split Window
D) Side-By-Side View

What is the function of the Excel function “NOW”?
A) Calculate the sum of numbers in a range
B) Find the maximum value in a range
C) Calculate the average of numbers in a range
D) Return the current date and time

In MS PowerPoint, what is the term for a view that displays the slides with notes for the presenter, but not visible to the audience?
A) Slide Sorter View
B) Slide Master View
C) Presenter View
D) Notes Page View

Which MS Office application is used for creating and editing mathematical equations, formulas, and symbols in a mathematical notation format?
A) MS Word
B) MS Word Online
C) MS PowerPoint
D) MS Equation Editor

In MS Word, what is the term for a feature that allows you to view the document as it will appear when printed, with margins, headers, footers, and page breaks displayed?
A) Print Layout View
B) Page View
C) Print Preview
D) Document View

What is the function of the Excel function “IFNA”?
A) Calculate the sum of numbers in a range
B) Find the maximum value in a range
C) Returns a value you specify if a formula evaluates to the #N/A error; otherwise, it returns the result of the formula
D) Calculate the average of numbers in a range

In MS PowerPoint, what is the term for a view that displays the slides in a vertical list, making it easy to rearrange their order?
A) Slide Sorter View
B) Outline View
C) Slide Show View
D) Slide Sorter View

Which MS Office application is used for creating and editing multimedia presentations with interactive elements and animations?
A) MS Word
B) MS PowerPoint
C) MS Publisher
D) MS Visio

In MS Word, what is the term for a feature that automatically suggests corrections to spelling and grammar errors as you type?
A) AutoCorrect
B) AutoComplete
C) AutoCorrect
D) Auto Suggest

What is the function of the Excel function “CHOOSE”?
A) Calculate the sum of numbers in a range
B) Find the maximum value in a range
C) Calculate the average of numbers in a range
D) Return a value from a list of values based on a specified index number

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