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From the given options which one is the component of a curriculum?
A) Design
B) Evaluation
C) Implementation
D) None of the Above.
An Educational System depends on What to systematize and execute the process of Education?
A) Syllabus
B) Curriculum
C) Course
D) None of the Above.
A plan of action for preparing a curriculum is _________?
A) Elements of Curriculum
B) Curriculum Design
C) Both A & B
D) None of the Above.
The problem being faced in Curriculum Development in Pakistan is?
A) Less no of trained teachers
B) insufficient financial resources
C) Lack of buildings
D) All of the Above.
Major functions of all Text Book Boards in Pakistan?
A) Printing Curriculum
B) Printing Books
C) Both A & B
D) None of the Above.
West Pakistan Textbook Board was established in?
A) July 1961
B) July 1962
C) July 1963
D) All of the Above
The purpose of curriculum monitoring is to:
A) Ensure teachers follow the curriculum strictly
B) Ensure the textbooks are error-free
C) Ensure the curriculum is up-to-date
D) Ensure the curriculum objectives are being achieved
The curriculum development process begins with:
A) Curriculum implementation
B) Curriculum evaluation
C) Curriculum planning
D) Curriculum monitoring
The term “hidden curriculum” refers to:
A) The curriculum that is not taught explicitly but is implied through school culture and environment
B) The curriculum that is not available to the public
C) The curriculum that is taught secretly by teachers
D) The curriculum that is hidden from parents
The purpose of curriculum monitoring is to:
A) Ensure teachers follow the curriculum strictly
B) Ensure the textbooks are error-free
C) Ensure the curriculum is up-to-date
D) Ensure the curriculum objectives are being achieved
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