Educational Guidance & Counselling MCQs

Guidance conducted in the classroom is:
A) Personal Guidance
B) Counselling Service
C) Group Guidance
D) Vocational Guidance

The focus of guidance in pre-school education is upon:
A) Adjustment
B) Individual analysis
C) Group guidance
D) Exploration

According to research most pupils drop out of school because of:
A) Frequent illness
B) Low intelligence
C) The need for financial help
D) Dissatisfaction with school

Which problem is not faced by guidance administrators?
A) Evaluation of the effectiveness of the program
B) Securing participation by all staff members
C) Bridging the gap between theory and practice
D) None of the above

In counseling recent trends include:
A) The giving to the counselor more responsibility for the decision of pupil
B) The decreasing of the amount of permissiveness in the interview
C) The removal of counseling duties from part-time guidance workers
D) The professionalization of the training of school counselors

Today the publication of the major guidance organization is:
A) Vocational guidance quarterly
B) Journal of counseling psychology
C) Personnel and Guidance Journal
D) Occupations

For group guidance work, which of the following competencies would be the least needed?
A) Understanding of values in school subject 
B) Understanding of vocational opportunities 
C) Skill in using results of community surveys
D) Skill in the use of projective techniques

The counselor according to Rogers’s theory is:
A) A near relative
B) One of the families
C) A close friend
D) None of the above

Rogers claims about his therapy that it:
A) Is really a rigid technique
B) Can even be applied to college teaching
C) Places a premium on verbal interchange
D) Is virtually fool-proof in actual practice

The term “hypothesis” in counseling means:
A) Conclusion drawn after treatment is given
B) Plan of action worked out by the client
C) Theory which is to be tested
D) Recommendation for treatment

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