Which planet is known for its prominent ring system?
A) Venus
B) Mars
C) Earth
D) Saturn

What is the chemical symbol for calcium?
A) Co
B) Ca
C) Cl
D) Ca

Which gas is commonly used in fire extinguishers?
A) Oxygen
B) Carbon Dioxide
C) Nitrogen
D) Hydrogen

Who is known for his three laws of motion?
A) Isaac Newton
B) Albert Einstein
C) Galileo Galilei
D) Isaac Newton

What is the chemical symbol for sulfur?
A) Su
B) Sf
C) S
D) Sr

Which gas is responsible for the “rotten egg” smell in natural gas?
A) Oxygen
B) Nitrogen
C) Carbon Dioxide
D) Hydrogen Sulfide

Who is known for the theory of evolution by natural selection?
A) Isaac Newton
B) Albert Einstein
C) Charles Darwin
D) Charles Darwin

What is the chemical symbol for zinc?
A) Zn
B) Zi
C) Zc
D) Zn

Which gas is responsible for the greenhouse effect on Venus?
A) Oxygen
B) Nitrogen
C) Carbon Dioxide
D) Carbon Dioxide

What is the chemical symbol for bromine?
A) Br
B) Bm
C) Br
D) Bo

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