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What is the highest peak of the Himalayas range in Pakistan?
A) Nanga Parbat
B) K-2
C) Rakaposhi
D) None of these
Geographically Pakistan is located in:
A) South East Asia
B) South Asia
C) Central Asia
D) Middle East
Bahawalpur mostly consists of:
A) Flood
B) Dhaba
C) Desert
D) Plateau areas
The area Baluchistan makes up _____ per cent of Pakistan:
A) 43
B) 50
C) 24
D) 34
Land situated between two rivers is known:
A) Doab
B) Khaddar
C) Desert
D) Bar
The climate of Pakistan is mostly referred as
A) Hot and dry
B) Warm and humid
C) Cold and dry
D) None of these
In which province of the Pakistan there is no desert?
A) P.K
B) Baluchistan
C) Sindh
D) Punjab
In which province of Pakistan, the desert of Thal lies?
A) Punjab
B) Sindh
C) P
D) Balochistan
The highest peak of Hindukush range is:
A) Kirthar Hills
B) Tirich Mir
C) K-2
D) Nanga Parbat
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