Which country is the largest producer of oil in the world?
A) Saudi Arabia
B) Russia
C) United States
D) China

The term “BRICS” refers to a group of emerging economies that includes:
A) Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa
B) Belgium, Romania, Indonesia, Canada, Spain
C) Bangladesh, Rwanda, Iran, Colombia, Sudan
D) Bolivia, Russia, India, China, Switzerlan

Which country is known for its manufacturing industry and is often referred to as the “world’s factory”?
A) Germany
B) Japan
C) United States
D) China

Which region of the world is known for its “Silicon Valley” and innovation in technology?
A) Southeast Asia
B) Europe
C) United States
D) South America

The term “OPEC” stands for:
A) Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
A) B) Organization of Producers of Ecological Crops
B) Overseas Production and Export of Crude
C) Oil Production and Export Coalition

Which country is the largest exporter of coffee in the world?
A) Brazil
B) Vietnam
C) Colombia
D) Ethiopia

Which strait separates Asia and North America?
A) Bering Strait
B) Strait of Gibraltar
C) Strait of Malacca
D) Torres Strait

The Panama Canal connects which two major oceans?
A) Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean
B) Pacific Ocean and Arctic Ocean
C) Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean
D) Indian Ocean and Southern Ocean

Which country is the largest producer of rice in the world?
A) China
B) India
C) Indonesia
D) Vietnam

Which city is known as the “Pearl of the Orient”?
A) Hong Kong
B) Dubai
C) Singapore
D) Tokyo

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