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“To butter someone up” means:
A) To prepare breakfast
B) To flatter someone in order to gain favor
C) To avoid someone
D) To criticize someone
“To steal the show” means:
A) To physically steal a performance
B) To have a successful performance
C) To avoid performing
D) To ruin a performance
“To be a piece of cake” means:
A) To be difficult
B) To be easy
C) To be annoying
D) To be confusing
“To turn over a new leaf” means:
A) To read a book
B) To start anew and make positive changes
C) To ignore advice
D) To continue old habits
“To have a whale of a time” means:
A) To see a whale
B) To have a great time
C) To be bored
D) To be frightened
“To be all ears” means:
A) To have large ears
B) To listen carefully
C) To be distracted
D) To have a hearing problem
“To let the cat out of the bag” means:
A) To adopt a pet cat
B) To reveal a secret
C) To hide information
D) To tell a lie
“To break the ice” means:
A) To melt frozen water
B) To start a conversation in a tense situation
C) To become angry
D) To solve a problem
“To bite the bullet” means:
A) To chew gum
B) To endure a painful or unpleasant situation
C) To ignore a problem
D) To make a hasty decision
“To hit the sack” means:
A) To hit someone with a sack
B) To go to bed
C) To take a nap
D) To exercise
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