International Relations – Quiz0% International Relations Quiz - 1 1 / 10International Relations is the study of: A) Relations among states B) Relations among individuals C) Relations among citizens of a state D) None of the above 2 / 10International Relations was branch of which discipline? A) Sociology B) International Law C) Political Science D) None of theses 3 / 10Two mainstream theories of IR include: A) Professionalism and Individualism B) Realism and Idealism C) Rule of Law and Equality D) None of theses 4 / 10Whose name is associated with Realism Theory: A) Karl Marx B) Hans Morgenthau C) Woodrow Wilson D) None of theses 5 / 10Woodrow Wilson was proponent of: A) Realism B) Constructivism C) Idealism D) None of theses 6 / 10International Relations is comparatively _____ discipline: A) New B) Ancient C) Old D) None of theses 7 / 10Idealism primarily believes in: A) War and Conflict B) Trade and Cooperation C) Cold War D) None of theses 8 / 10Realism primarily believes in: A) War and Conflict B) Trade and Cooperation C) Cold War D) None of theses 9 / 10War is considered as: A) Diplomacy by other means B) Unwanted C) Both (A) (B) D) None of theses 10 / 10World War II began in the year: A) 1929 B) 1939 C) 1949 D) None of theses Your score isThe average score is 56% LinkedIn Facebook 0% Restart quiz Exit Anonymous feedback Send feedback 0% International Relations Quiz - 2 1 / 10World War II was won by which alliance: A) Allies B) Axis C) Nazis D) None of theses 2 / 10Who was the Prime Minister of UK during the World War II: A) Tony Blair B) Winston Churchill C) Gordon Brown D) None of theses 3 / 10Who was leader of the USSR during WW II: A) Lenin B) Stalin C) Khrushchev D) None of theses 4 / 10Diplomacy means: A) Ways to start international business B) Method of international relations C) Means of waging war D) None of theses 5 / 10President of the US who helped in founding the League of Nations was: A) George Washington B) Abraham Lincoln C) Woodrow Wilson D) None of theses 6 / 10Cuban Missile Crisis involves which three countries: A) USSR, Germany and Cuba B) USSR, France and USA C) USSA, Cuba and USA D) None of theses 7 / 10Prime Minister of Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis was: A) Raul Castro B) Fidel Castro C) Ernesto Guevara D) None of theses 8 / 10Bay of Pigs invasion is associated with which two countries: A) USA and USSR B) USA and Germany C) USA and Cuba D) None of theses 9 / 10USSR was founded by: A) Vladimir Lenin B) Joseph Stalin C) Nikita Khrushchev D) None of theses 10 / 10Who was President of USSR when the Cold War began: A) Vladimir Lenin B) Joseph Stalin C) Nikita Khrushchev D) None of theses Your score isThe average score is 51% LinkedIn Facebook 0% Restart quiz Exit Anonymous feedback Send feedback 0% International Relations Quiz - 3 1 / 10Cold War rivals were: A) USA and France B) USA and UK C) USA and USSR D) None of theses 2 / 10Cold War ended with the: A) Collapse of USSR B) Fall of the Berlin Wall C) Both (A) & (B) D) None of theses 3 / 10Détente is the term associated with: A) Cuban Missile Crisis B) Cold War C) Bay of Pigs Invasions D) None of theses 4 / 10World became ______ after the end of Cold War: A) Unipolar B) Bipolar C) Tripolar D) None of These 5 / 10NATO is a security alliance of: A) North America and Europe B) USA and Russia C) Asia and Europe D) None of theses 6 / 10Alliance founded to counter NATO was: A) SEATO B) Warsaw Pact C) CENTO D) None of theses 7 / 10Who was the last President of USSR: A) Stalin B) Khrushchev C) Gorbachev D) None of theses 8 / 10Gorbachev was considered as one of the reasons for early collapse of: A) USA B) USSR C) Germany D) None of theses 9 / 10Realignment of Alliance is result of: A) Changing interests B) Political Pressure C) Both (A) & (B) D) None of theses 10 / 10Which defines relations among states the most: A) Interests B) People to People relations C) Both (A) & (B) C) Both (A) & (B) Your score isThe average score is 52% LinkedIn Facebook 0% Restart quiz Exit Anonymous feedback Send feedback 0% International Relations Quiz - 4 1 / 10Which is no studied under IR: A) War and Peace B) Diplomacy C) Political Cultures D) None of theses 2 / 10Primary topic of IR is: A) States B) Individuals C) Organizations D) None of theses 3 / 10International Relations is a _____ discipline: A) Narrow B) Vast C) Slender D) None of These 4 / 10Which one of the following is not a determinant of foreign policy: A) Economic Interests B) Political Interests C) Strategic Interests D) None of These 5 / 10Foreign Policy is rarely guided by ___ in a world led by realism: A) Ideology B) Interests C) Warfare D) None of theses 6 / 10Aid is considered as a tool of _____. A) Foreign Policy B) Ethical Help C) Humanitarian Efforts D) None of theses 7 / 10Afghanistan has long served as a ___ state: A) Ideal State B) Buffer State C) Socialist State D) None of theses 8 / 10USSR was expelled from Afghanistan with the support of: A) USA B) France C) India D) None of theses 9 / 10Charlie Wilson is a name attached with: A) Afghan Jihad B) 9/11 C) Korean War D) None of theses 10 / 10Korean War was an episode of the: A) World War 1 B) World War 2 C) Cold War D) None of theses Your score isThe average score is 47% LinkedIn Facebook 0% Restart quiz Exit Anonymous feedback Send feedback 0% International Relations Quiz - 5 1 / 10Nixon has served as: A) US Secretary of the State B) US President C) US Diplomat D) None of theses 2 / 10President Kennedy ______ Vietnam War: A) Launched B) Supported C) Opposed D) None of theses 3 / 109/11 led to the attack of US against: A) USSR in Afghanistan B) Taliban Regime in Afghanistan C) ISIL D) None of theses 4 / 10Syria is a country troubled by: A) International Interference B) Civil War C) Both (A) & (B) D) None of theses 5 / 10Middle East is a ‘patch work of states’. These words belong to: A) Kenneth Waltz B) Hans Morgenthau C) Henry Kissinger D) None of theses 6 / 10Economic Dominance is considered as: A) A tool of Power in IR B) An unwanted thing C) Both (A) & (B) D) None of theses 7 / 10Bipolar World means: A) Having one Superpower B) Having Two Superpowers C) Having no Superpowers D) None of theses 8 / 10UN can be explained as: A) Union of World States B) Union of American States C) A body of Unnecessary Alliance D) None of theses 9 / 10The Great Britain and Russia agreed to make Afghanistan a buffer state between their empires in: A) 1883 B) 1893 C) 1903 D) 1913 10 / 10Amnesty International was established in London by the British Lawyer, Peter Benenson in: A) 1961 B) 1951 C) 1971 D) None of these Your score isThe average score is 57% LinkedIn Facebook 0% Restart quiz Exit Anonymous feedback Send feedback