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World War II was won by which alliance:
A) Allies
B) Axis
C) Nazis
D) None of theses
Who was the Prime Minister of UK during the World War II:
A) Tony Blair
B) Winston Churchill
C) Gordon Brown
D) None of theses
Who was leader of the USSR during WW II:
A) Lenin
B) Stalin
C) Khrushchev
D) None of theses
Diplomacy means:
A) Ways to start international business
B) Method of international relations
C) Means of waging war
D) None of theses
President of the US who helped in founding the League of Nations was:
A) George Washington
B) Abraham Lincoln
C) Woodrow Wilson
D) None of theses
Cuban Missile Crisis involves which three countries:
A) USSR, Germany and Cuba
B) USSR, France and USA
C) USSA, Cuba and USA
D) None of theses
Prime Minister of Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis was:
A) Raul Castro
B) Fidel Castro
C) Ernesto Guevara
D) None of theses
Bay of Pigs invasion is associated with which two countries:
B) USA and Germany
C) USA and Cuba
D) None of theses
USSR was founded by:
A) Vladimir Lenin
B) Joseph Stalin
C) Nikita Khrushchev
D) None of theses
Who was President of USSR when the Cold War began:
A) Vladimir Lenin
B) Joseph Stalin
C) Nikita Khrushchev
D) None of theses
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