Which is no studied under IR:
A) War and Peace
B) Diplomacy
C) Political Cultures
D) None of theses

Primary topic of IR is:
A) States
B) Individuals
C) Organizations
D) None of theses

International Relations is a _____ discipline:
A) Narrow
B) Vast
C) Slender
D) None of These

Which one of the following is not a determinant of foreign policy:
A) Economic Interests
B) Political Interests
C) Strategic Interests
D) None of These

Foreign Policy is rarely guided by ___ in a world led by realism:
A) Ideology
B) Interests
C) Warfare
D) None of theses

Aid is considered as a tool of _____.
A) Foreign Policy
B) Ethical Help
C) Humanitarian Efforts
D) None of theses

Afghanistan has long served as a ___ state:
A) Ideal State
B) Buffer State
C) Socialist State
D) None of theses

USSR was expelled from Afghanistan with the support of:
B) France
C) India
D) None of theses

Charlie Wilson is a name attached with:
A) Afghan Jihad
B) 9/11
C) Korean War
D) None of theses

Korean War was an episode of the:
A) World War 1
B) World War 2
C) Cold War
D) None of theses

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