Germany invaded Poland in:
A) 1938
B) 1939
C) 1940
D) None of these

Bretton Woods Conference was concluded in:
A) July 1944
B) August 1944
C) September 1944
D) None of these

ECOSOC has been established under chapter _____ of the UN charter.
A) V
C) X
D) None of these

Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations was established under chapter 10 of the UN charter.
The book “Politics among Nations” is written by:
A) J. Holstai
B) Hans Morgenthau
C) Frederick Hartman
D) None of these

United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a federation of:
A) 5 Emirates
B) 6 Emirates
C) 7 Emirates
D) None of these

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is located at:
A) Washington
B) Geneva
C) The Hague
D) None of these

German reunification was occurred in:
A) 1990
B) 1991
C) 1992
D) None of these

Switzerland joined the United Nations in:
A) 1972
B) 1982
C) 1992
D) 2002

President de Gaulle withdrew France from NATO in:
A) 1966
B) 1950
C) 1962
D) None of these

Pearl Harbor, a US naval base in Hawaiian Islands, during WWII was attacked by:
A) Germany
B) Japan
C) Cuba
D) None of these

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