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According to Brandt Report, ‘The South’ consists of:
A) Third World Countries
B) Australia
C) China
D) None of these
In 1933, Hitler signed an agreement with Pope known as:
A) Brandeus
B) Concordat
C) Peace Pact
D) None of these
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) was formed in
A) 1954
B) 1964
C) 1974
D) 1984
SEATO was dissolved in:
A) 1967
B) 1977
C) 1987
D) 1997
North Korea invaded South Korea in:
A) 1948
B) 1950
C) 1959
D) None of these
The UN Charter in 1945 was drawn up in:
A) New York
B) San Francisco
C) Washington
D) None of these
Owen Young, who gave the young plan, was:
A) An American Banker
B) German President
C) British Ambassador
D) None of these
Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) was formed in
A) 1945
B) 1950
C) 1955
D) 1960
CENTO was dissolved in:
A) 1979
B) 1981
C) 1998
D) None of these
The First Hague Conference was held in:
A) 1890
B) 1907
C) 1914
D) 1899
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