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Jabir Bin Hayan is famous as a __________?
A) Botanist
B) Chemist
C) Geographer
D) Professor
What was the Jabir Bin Hayan’s famous discovery?
A) Bases
B) Acid Minerals
C) Electricity
D) Diesel Engine
What is the name of Jabir Bin Hayan;s name in modern world of Europe?
A) Habel
B) Jave
C) Geber
D) Al-Hozen
Where was al-Khawarzmi born & when did he die?
A) 780-850 A.D in Persia
B) 722-817 A.D in Iraq
C) 940-988 A.D in Persia
D) None of the above
What is the name of Al-Khawarzmi’s famous book?
A) Al-Kitab
B) Jabro-Maqabla
C) Al-Tibb
D) None of the above
What was Al-Khawarzmi’s field of study?
A) Politics
B) Civics
C) Mathematics
D) Chemistry
Tell the life span of Zakaraya Al-Razi?
A) 831-901 A-D
B) 655-715 A.D
C) 990-1001 A.D
D) 864-925 A.D
Which is the famous book of Al-Razi?
A) Al-Tibb
B) Al-Kitab
C) Al-Hawi
D) Al-Asool
What is the topic of Al-Hawi?
A) Botany
B) Physics
C) Zoology
D) Mathematics
Which of these two ”Al-Mansuri” & Kitabul Asrar” belongs to Al-Razi”
A) None
B) Al-Mansuri
C) Kitabul-Asrar
D) Both B & C
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