
A Muslim is required to fight against foe’s like _________.

A) His Self (Nafs)
B) The Devil
C) The Visible Enemy
D) All of the above

Generally, the motives of fighting in other religious are the desire for material benefits __________.
A) The Desire for Power and Glory
B) The Passion and Hatred and Revenge
C) The Fear of Injury as well as the Resentment

The antonym of the word Jehad in Islam is ___________.
A) Qiyam
B) Ghazi
C) Qu’ud (Sitting)
D) Shaheed

Jehad Fi-Sabil Allah is defined as _________.
A) Fighting for the Sake of Allah
B) Fighting with Enemies
C) Fighting for Truth
D) Fighting Bad Habits

What is the meaning of Qitaal?
A) Tongue
B) Fighting
C) Property
D) Taxes

“Mischief is most grievous then homicide” it is ____________.
A) A Hadis
B) A Saying of Hazrat Ali (A.S)
C) A Verse of the Holy Qur’an
D) A Prohibition

Qitaal in Islam is not an act of _________.
A) War
B) Rebellion
C) Killing
D) Mad Brutality

According to the Ibn-e-Rushd, in how many ways the believer may fulfil the struggle against all types of foes?
A) 3
B) 5
C) 6
D) 4

‘Help your brother whether he is the wrong-doer or the wronged’ it is _______.
A) A Hadis
B) An Order by the Government
C) A Political Move
D) Al-Qur’an

Those who fight for self-glorification, or for the exploitation of the weak people, are in fact the friends of the ____________.
A) Tyrants
B) Devil
C) Oppressors
D) Enemies

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