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Islam wants to protect the moral order vouchsafed to humanity through the ________ at different stages of human history.
A) Holy Qur’an
B) Messengers of Allah
C) Shaateen
D) Acts of Sahabah (R.A)
Who narrated this Hadis “Help your brother whether he is the wrongdoer or the wronged?
A) Hazrat Ans (R.A)
B) Hazrat Malik (R.A)
C) Hazrat Abu Hurrairah (R.A)
D) Hazrat Usman (R.A)
The use of ________is therefore required to put a curb on the anti-social activities of the evil elements of the human race.
A) Fight with the Enemies
B) Fighting by mujahids
C) Fight in the Way of Allah
D) Fight against the Evil
How many persons lost their lives on both sides in 82 Ghazwats and Sariyas?
A) 1018
B) 1020
C) 972
D) 1132
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