Knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy MCQs

Which level in Simpson’s taxonomy involves the early attempts at learning a complex skill, including imitation and trial-and-error?
A) Perception
B) Set
C) Guided Response
D) Adaptation

What is the primary focus of the “Perception” level in Simpson’s taxonomy?
A) Mental, physical, and emotional dispositions influencing responses
B) Conversion of learned responses into habitual actions
C) Using sensory cues to guide motor activity
D) Skillfully performing complex movements quickly and accurately

Which category in Simpson’s psychomotor domain involves the ability to create new movement patterns for special situations or problems?
A) Set
B) Adaptation
C) Origination
D) Mechanism

According to Anderson and Krathwohl’s revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, which category involves basic knowledge essential to specific disciplines?
A) Conceptual Knowledge
B) Procedural Knowledge
C) Factual Knowledge
D) Metacognitive Knowledge

What does Conceptual Knowledge primarily entail in Anderson and Krathwohl’s taxonomy?
A) Methods of inquiry and specific skills
B) Awareness of cognitive processes
C) Principles and theories pertinent to a disciplinary area
D) Techniques and methodologies in a discipline

Which level of knowledge refers to information helping students perform specific tasks within a discipline?
A) Conceptual Knowledge
B) Procedural Knowledge
C) Factual Knowledge
D) Metacognitive Knowledge

What is the distinguishing characteristic of Metacognitive Knowledge in Anderson and Krathwohl’s taxonomy?
A) Basic facts and terminology in a discipline
B) Awareness of one’s own cognitive processes
C) Principles and theories pertinent to a disciplinary area
D) Information to perform specific tasks within a discipline

According to the revised taxonomy, what dimension represents different types of knowledge?
A) Knowledge Dimension
B) Cognitive Process Dimension
C) Understanding Dimension
D) Remembering Dimension

Which dimension in Anderson and Krathwohl’s taxonomy is composed of levels such as Remembering, Understanding, and Creating?
A) Knowledge Dimension
B) Cognitive Process Dimension
C) Conceptual Dimension
D) Procedural Dimension

What kind of knowledge is classified as essential facts, terminology, or details necessary to understand a discipline?
A) Procedural Knowledge
B) Metacognitive Knowledge
C) Conceptual Knowledge
D) Factual Knowledge

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