Knowledge of Bloom’s Taxonomy MCQs

What does the “Apply” level of Bloom’s Taxonomy involve?
A) Recalling and recognizing information.
B) Using acquired knowledge in new situations.
C) Generating creative ideas.
D) Evaluating arguments and forming opinions.

Which level of Bloom’s Taxonomy involves learners being able to make judgments based on presented arguments?
A) Analyze
B) Evaluate
C) Create
D) Understand

The three domains of Bloom’s taxonomy are____________?
A) Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor
B) Cognitive, Pedagogy and Psychomotor
C) Cognitive, Affective and Pedagogy
D) Pedagogy, Affective and Psychomotor

Which domain of Bloom’s Taxonomy is primarily concerned with the development of intellectual skills?
A) Cognitive Domain
B) Affective Domain
C) Psychomotor Domain
D) Emotional Domain

Which domain of Bloom’s Taxonomy focuses on the cultivation of emotional abilities, values, and attitudes?
A) Cognitive Domain
B) Affective Domain
C) Psychomotor Domain
D) Social Domain

What is the main emphasis of the cognitive domain in Bloom’s Taxonomy?
A) Physical coordination
B) Acquisition of knowledge
C) Development of emotional abilities
D) social skills development

Which domain of Bloom’s Taxonomy is concerned with physical skills and coordination?
A) Cognitive Domain
B) Affective Domain
C) Psychomotor Domain
D) Intellectual Domain

In the Affective Domain of Bloom’s Taxonomy, what is the focus regarding learners?
A) Intellectual skills development
B) Emotional abilities and values
C) Physical coordination
D) Decision-making skills

Which domain of Bloom’s Taxonomy involves problem-solving and critical-thinking abilities?
A) Affective Domain
B) Psychomotor Domain
C) Cognitive Domain
D) Emotional Domain

Which of the following is the domain of learning according to Bloom?
A) Professional
B) Experimental
C) Social
D) Affective

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