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What are ethics in the context of sociological research?
A) Guidelines for scientific methods
B) Guidelines for making decisions and defining professions
C) Rules for conducting experiments
D) Principles for data analysis
What is the primary purpose of establishing ethical codes in professional organizations?
A) To limit the scope of research
B) To define the expected conduct of members
C) To promote biased research
D) To increase research funding
Which organizations establish ethical principles and guidelines for social scientists?
A) American Sociological Association
B) American Psychological Association
C) Both a) and b)
D) Neither a) nor b)
What is the researcher’s primary duty regarding the welfare of subjects?
A) To conduct experiments without informing subjects
B) To protect the welfare of the subjects
C) To maximize risks for the subjects
D) To minimize risks for the subjects
What is informed consent in the context of research participation?
A) Participants’ agreement to participate in a study without knowing the details
B) Participants’ agreement to participate in a study after knowing the potential risks and their freedom to withdraw
C) Participants’ agreement to participate in a study without any information
D) Participants’ agreement to participate in a study without any risks
What is debriefing in the context of research participation?
A) Providing subjects with complete details about the study after it is finished
B) Screening subjects before the study
C) Intentionally deceiving subjects about the study’s purpose
D) Withdrawing subjects from the study
Why do some critics oppose the intentional use of deception in research?
A) It reduces the general public’s support for research
B) It carries the risk of psychologically harming subjects
C) Both a) and b)
D) Neither a) nor b)
What is the primary focus of professional journals and periodicals in sociology?
A) Providing sensationalistic information
B) Publishing poorly conducted research
C) Offering accurate scientific information
D) Promoting misconceptions about social topics
What distinguishes professional journals and periodicals from popular magazines and television in terms of research quality?
A) Peer review
B) Sensationalism
C) Both a) and b)
D) Neither a) nor b)
What is the primary goal of scientific inquiry?
A) To prove preconceived ideas
B) To generate sensationalistic information
C) To advance knowledge through systematic investigation
D) To promote misconceptions about social topics
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