Miscellaneous Economic MCQs

Which economic instrument is used to internalize externalities and reduce pollution?
A) Subsidies for renewable energy
B) Cap-and-trade systems
C) Increasing taxes on pollution
D) Government regulations on emissions

The concept of “tragedy of the commons” refers to:
A) Efficient allocation of common resources
B) Overuse and depletion of shared resources
C) Private ownership of public goods
D) Sustainable management of natural resources

Which economic theory advocates for assigning property rights to natural resources to promote sustainable management?
A) Coase theorem
B) Hotelling’s rule
C) Ecological economics
D) Sustainable development theory

Which market-based approach aims to conserve biodiversity by assigning economic value to ecosystems and their services?
A) Payment for ecosystem services (PES)
B) Carbon offset trading
C) Green taxation
D) Environmental impact assessments

Which economic concept advocates for considering the long-term environmental costs of economic activities?
A) Green GDP
B) Full-cost accounting
C) Net present value
D) Discounted cash flow

Which economic concept evaluates the cost-effectiveness of medical interventions?
A) Utilization rate
B) Cost-benefit analysis
C) Health insurance coverage
D) Health outcomes assessment

What is the primary goal of health economics?
A) Maximize healthcare expenditures
B) Improve health outcomes through efficient resource allocation
C) Ensure universal healthcare coverage
D) Minimize government spending on healthcare

Which of the following is a measure of the economic burden of disease?
A) Life expectancy
B) Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs)
C) Mortality rate
D) Healthcare access index

Which economic theory explores the relationship between socioeconomic status and health outcomes?
A) Consumer theory
B) Behavioral economics
C) Social determinants of health
D) Cost-effectiveness analysis

What is the opportunity cost of healthcare resources?
A) Value of alternative uses of resources forgone
B) Total financial cost of medical treatments
C) Government expenditure on healthcare
D) Out-of-pocket expenses for patients

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