Miscellaneous Sociology – MCQs

Karl Marx held that a social movement-the revolt of the proletariat -would help workers overcome feelings of_______________?
A) Class consciousness
B) False consciousness
C) Socialist consciousness
D) Surplus value

The most all-encompassing type of collective behavior is_______________?
A) Public opinion
B) Social movements
C) Rumors
D) Crowds

The abbreviation “NIMBY” stands for “not in my backyard” a cry often heard when people protest____________?
A) Landfills
B) Prisons
C) Nuclear power facilities
D) All of the above

The term vested interests was coined by social economist______________?
A) William F. Oghurn
B) Talcott Parsons
C) Auguste Comte
D) Thorstein Veblen

Which sociological perspective minimizes change?
A) Functionalist perspective
B) Conflict perspective
C) Interactionist perspective
D) Each of the above

The division of labor among physicians into obstetricians’ internists surgeons and so forth is an example of the process that Talcott Parsons called_______________?
A) Differentiation
B) Value generalization
C) Inclusion
D) Adaptive upgrading

The writings of Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim are examples of______________?
A) Cyclical theory
B) Unilinear theory
C) Multilinear theory
D) Conflict theory

Sreberny-Mohammadi (1996) argues that national cultures can resist American cultural domination of the media by_____________?
A) Domesticating its content including more home-produced programmes
B) Controlling the distribution of imported products by banning satellite dishes
C) Creating reverse flows of their own programmes back to imperial societies
D) All of the above

Walt Disney Sony and Time Warner are examples of________________?
A) Transnational corporations
B) Multi-media empires
C) Ownership concentrated within one medium
D) Government-owned companies

The print revolution of the nineteenth century resulted in_____________?
A) Mass production mass circulation and the decline of serious content
B) The public ownership of newspapers as a shared resource
C) More people going to the cinema as a new leisure activity
D) A reduction of virtual communities on the internet

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