To break information into parts and to examine the information is called____________?
A) Analyzing
B) Evaluating
C) Synthesizing
D) Originating
Bloom’s taxonomy is a set of __________ learning domains?
A) Two
B) Three
C) Four
D) Five
Dialectic or dialectical method is a discourse between opposing parties to establish the truth through__________?
A) Investigation
B) Dialogues
C) Reasoned arguments
D) Presenting proves
An assessment that is generally carried out at the end of a course to assign students a course grade is called?
A) Diagnostic assessment
B) Formative assessment
C) Contemporary assessment
D) Summative assessment
The brain __________ as people gets older?
A) Shrinks
B) Expands
C) Stays constant
D) Remains unaffected
According to the law of effect, if a stimulus results in a negative outcome, the S-R bond is___________?
A) Strengthened
B) Weakened
C) Stabilized
D) Unsterilized
___________ is an instructional approach in which objectives are presented to learners beginning with unknown concepts and proceeding to known concepts?
A) Known to known
B) Unknown-to-known
C) Unknown to unknown
D) None of these
___________ is a pair activity in which students have a short period (typically 30 seconds) to share all they know by writing in a graphic organizer.
A) Quick write
B) Quick order
C) Quick response
D) Quick discussion
The application of ideas, knowledge and skills to achieve the desired results is called___________?
A) Problem solving
B) Critical thinking
C) Reasoned arguments
D) Deductive method
The curriculum of educational institutes should be based on__________?
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