Miscellaneous Pedagogy – MCQs

A curriculum is the sum total of a school efforts to influence a child_________?
A) Course
B) Behavior
C) Design
D) Logical sequence

Detailed contents of the subjects for a class are called___________?
A) Course
B) Behavior
C) Design
D) Logical sequence

The model of curriculum could not move above elementary stage is____________?
A) Core curriculum
B) Activity curriculum
C) Subject curriculum
D) None

The concise Oxford Dictionary defines curriculum as a____________?
A) Course of learning
B) Chariot race course
C) Course of study
D) None

The scope of curriculum includes______________?
A) Programme Of Studies
B) Programme of Activities
C) Programme of Guidance
D) All

Intelligence level of gifted student is____________?
A) 140 and above
B) 110
C) 90
D) None

Models of curriculum presently being used at any stage in Pakistan is____________?
A) Activity
B) Subject
C) Integrated
D) All of these

Component of curriculum is_____________?
A) Evaluation
B) Objectives
C) Teaching strategies
D) All of these

Learning means_____________?
A) Change in behavior
B) Teaching process
C) Curriculum
D) None

Curriculum is supposed to___________?
A) Achieve the objectives
B) Be organized by the school
C) Both
D) None

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