Miscellaneous Pedagogy – MCQs

The importance of curriculum in the system of education is just like a______________?
A) Constitution in a country
B) Provision of latest knowledge
C) Preparation of students for service
D) None

Relationship of subjects at different level is called____________?
A) Centralization
B) De centralization
C) Horizontal organization
D) Vertical organization

Syllabus is a part of____________?
A) Student
B) School
C) Parents
D) Curriculum

curriculum provides guidance for___________?
A) Student
B) School
C) Parents
D) Teacher

Which of the following is the nature of curriculum?
A) Conservative
B) Critical
C) Creative
D) All of these

Which domain of objectives is not being evaluated through our present system of examination?
A) Objectivity
B) Classroom
C) Affective
D) Students

Responsible for the curriculum planning and development in Pakistani is____________?
A) Objectivity
B) Curriculum wing
C) Affective
D) Students

Important factor of curriculum is to help to achieve the____________?
A) Objectivity
B) Classroom
C) Affective
D) Students

What is Curriculum?
A) Overall activities of an Institution
B) Objectivity
C) Classroom
D) Affective

Under wood Dispatch in 1857, three universities established were_________?
A) Bombay, Calcutta, Madras
B) Karachi
C) Peshawar
D) Lahore

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