What is the term for a word that has the opposite meaning of another word?
A) Antonym
B) Synonym
C) Homonym
D) Palindrome

What is the term for a person who makes hats?
A) Tailor
B) Milliner
C) Designer
D) Cobbler

What is the term for a person who repairs watches and clocks?
A) Mechanic
B) Engineer
C) Technician
D) Horologist

What is the term for a person who is skilled in several arts or sciences?
A) Artisan
B) Savant
C) Scholar
D) Polymath

What is the term for a person who studies earthquakes?
A) Meteorologist
B) Seismologist
C) Geologist
D) Archaeologist

What is the term for a person who believes in the existence of God?
A) Atheist
B) Agnostic
C) Theist
D) Deist

What is the term for a person who writes about their own life?
A) Novelist
B) Autobiographer
C) Biographer
D) Poet

What is the term for a person who is famous and respected within a particular sphere?
A) Celebrity
B) Icon
C) Luminary
D) Notable

What is the term for a person who lives alone and avoids others?
A) Introvert
B) Extrovert
C) Recluse
D) Hermit

What is the term for a person who is a supporter of a particular cause or policy?
A) Opponent
B) Advocate
C) Adversary
D) Antagonist

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