Pakistan Movement 1857-1947 MCQs

The system of Dyarchy was in operation from 1921 to_________?
A) 1930
B) 1935
C) 1937
D) 1940

Under the 1973 Constituent of the statesman who was sworn In as President of Pakistan?
A) A Bhutto
B) Ghulam Ishaq Khan
C) Fazal Elahi
D) None of these

Under Treaty of Allahabad Shah Alam 2 got the districts if kora & Allahabad & was also give an annual pension of Rs. 2.6 million, in return of his favor, which areas were given to the British by Shah Alam?
A) Diwan of Bengal
B) Bihar
C) Orrisa
D) All of these

Who announced the communal award?
A) Macdonald
B) Irwin
C) Curzon
D) Wavell

What was the important element in the strength of the revolt of 1857?
A) leadership of nana sahib
B) leadership of rani of Jhansi
C) support of bahadur shah
D) Hindu Muslim unity

Buland Darwaza (gate of victory) was built by Akbar the Great to commemorate his conquest of Gujrat at?
A) Gujrat
B) Delhi
C) Fatehpur Sikri
D) Agra

Who founded Muhammadan Literary Society in 1863?
A) Shah Waliullah Dehlawi
B) Syed Ameer Ali
C) Nawab Abdul Latif
D) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

Act of 1935 consisted of how many sections?
A) 320
B) 321
C) 322
D) 323

The deliberation of Act 1935 preparation was printed over how many pages?
A) 323
B) 324
C) 325
D) 326

Act of 1935 contained how many schedules?
A) 8
B) 9
C) 11
D) 10

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