Chapter # 3 – Emergence of Pakistan
3.4.2. Evaluate how Successful Pakistan was in Overcoming the Initial Problems.
In overcoming these initial problems, Pakistan made significant efforts:
Division of Financial
The State Bank of Pakistan was established in 1948 to address financial issues. Pakistan received the withheld amount of 550 million rupees from the Reserve Bank of India as part of its financial share, with support from Gandhi. Gandhi was committed to ensuring a fair division of assets and objected to the actions of the Indian government. He used non-violent methods, including the threat of a hunger strike, to persuade the Indian government to release an additional 500 million rupees.
Refugee Problems
The government of Pakistan set up refugee camps in Lahore to accommodate the influx of refugees arriving through Wagha. Arrangements were made for medication, clothing, and shelter for the newly arrived refugees. A Refugees Ministry was established to ensure the smooth rehabilitation of refugees. Quaid-e-Azam relocated his headquarters from Karachi to Lahore to personally oversee the efforts to assist refugees. The people of Pakistan actively supported their migrant brothers and assisted the government in providing food, shelter, and medication. Over time, refugees were allocated land for agricultural purposes and supported in establishing industries for personal and national development. The government also initiated residential programs, providing thousands of refugees with flats and housing.
Division of Military Assets
Pakistan sought to enhance its security to deter potential aggression from India. To achieve this, Pakistan aimed to establish diplomatic relations with nations that could provide support. In 1950, Pakistan established relations with the USA and signed military agreements such as SEATO and CENTO. As a result, Pakistan received substantial economic and military aid, which contributed to the improvement of its defense capabilities.
Administrative Challenges
A new government was formed with Liaquat Ali Khan as the prime minister. Karachi was designated as the capital of the new nation. To address the shortage of office space, private buildings were repurposed for government use. Official records and files were transferred from New Delhi. Civil servants who chose to relocate to Pakistan were airlifted from India to Pakistan.
National Language
Quaid-e-Azam toured various locations in East Pakistan, addressing public gatherings and urging people to remain vigilant against anti-Pakistan elements aiming to weaken the country under the guise of language issues. His visit helped alleviate the language concerns at the time. Although the issue resurfaced after Quaid-e-Azam’s death, it was eventually resolved with the inclusion of Bengali as a national language alongside Urdu in the 1956 constitution.
Canal Water Dispute
In May 1948, a temporary agreement was reached where India permitted the flow of water from East Punjab into West Punjab on the condition that Pakistan would explore alternative water sources. The Indus Basin Treaty, signed between India and Pakistan in 1959, granted Pakistan exclusive rights over the three western rivers of the Indus Water System (Indus, Jhelum, and Chenab). As compensation for India’s exclusive rights over the waters of the Sutlej, Ravi, and Beas rivers, Pakistan received international support to construct dams, barrages, and canals.
Princely States
The Pakistan government lodged a protest with the United Nations Organization regarding the unlawful occupation of Hyderabad Deccan and Junagarh, but the issue remains unresolved. In the case of Kashmir, Pakistan supported freedom fighters, leading to a war between Pakistan and India in the region. A United Nations intervention resulted in a ceasefire between the two countries. However, the Kashmir issue remains unresolved despite several wars and ongoing tensions between the two nations.
It’s important to understand that these challenges were not resolved quickly. It required years of effort, meticulous planning, and unwavering perseverance to address these issues and establish Pakistan as a stable and independent nation.
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