Chapter # 3 – Understanding the Political System of Pakistan

3.1.4   Differentiate between the Federal and Provincial Government.

Federal Government:

  • The federal government is the central authority that governs an entire country.
  • It has authority over national issues such as defense, foreign affairs, and immigration.
  • It enacts laws and policies that apply to the entire country.
  • The federal government is headed by the President or Prime Minister at the national level.

Provincial Government:

  • The provincial government is the government that governs a specific province or state within a federal system.
  • It has authority over local issues such as education, healthcare, and transportation within its province.
  • It enacts laws and policies specific to the province it governs.
  • The provincial government is headed by the Premier or Chief Minister at the provincial level.

Difference between the Federal and Provincial Government:

AspectFederal GovernmentProvincial Government
DefinitionThe central authority that governs the entire country and oversees the provinces or states.The government that governs a specific province or state within a federal system.
JurisdictionHas authority over national issues such as defense, foreign affairs, and immigration.Has authority over local issues such as education, healthcare, and transportation within its province.
PowersEnacts laws and policies that apply to the entire country.Enacts laws and policies specific to the province it governs.
LeadershipHeaded by the President or Prime Minister at the national level.Headed by the Premier or Chief Minister at the provincial level.
RepresentationRepresents the entire country and its citizens.Represents the interests of the province and its residents.
RelationshipWorks in conjunction with provincial governments to ensure effective governance and cooperation.Collaborates with the federal government while maintaining autonomy in provincial matters.

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