Chapter # 3 – Understanding the Political System of Pakistan
3.2.3 Discuss Federal and Provincial Legislature of Pakistan i.e., Bicameral (Senate and National Assembly) Unicameral (National Assembly) Provincial Assembly, GB Legislative Assembly.
In Pakistan, the legislative structure comprises both federal and provincial legislatures, each with its own distinct roles and responsibilities.
Federal Legislature:
- Bicameral System:
- The federal legislature of Pakistan operates on a bicameral system, consisting of two houses: the Senate and the National Assembly.
- The National Assembly, also known as the lower house, represents the people of Pakistan through direct elections. It is composed of Members of the National Assembly (MNAs) elected from various constituencies across the country.
- The Senate, also known as the upper house, represents the provinces of Pakistan. Its members, known as Senators, are elected by the provincial assemblies, with each province having an equal number of seats.
- Roles and Responsibilities:
- The National Assembly is responsible for making laws, approving budgets, and overseeing the actions of the executive branch.
- The Senate serves as a revising chamber, reviewing legislation passed by the National Assembly. It also plays a role in representing the interests of the provinces and providing a forum for debating national issues.
Provincial Legislature:
- Unicameral and Bicameral Systems:
- The provincial legislatures of Pakistan may operate on either a unicameral or bicameral system, depending on the province.
- Punjab, Sindh, and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) have unicameral legislatures, meaning they have only one house called the Provincial Assembly.
- Balochistan, on the other hand, has a bicameral legislature, consisting of the Provincial Assembly and the Senate.
- Roles and Responsibilities:
- The Provincial Assemblies, whether unicameral or part of a bicameral system, have similar functions to the National Assembly. They are responsible for making laws, approving budgets, and overseeing provincial government actions.
- The Provincial Assemblies represent the interests of the people of their respective provinces and play a crucial role in shaping local policies and governance.
GB Legislative Assembly:
- Unique Structure:
- Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) has its own legislative assembly, known as the GB Legislative Assembly.
- The legislative structure of GB is unique, as it does not have the same constitutional status as the provinces of Pakistan. Instead, it operates under the Gilgit-Baltistan Empowerment and Self-Governance Order of 2009.
- Roles and Responsibilities:
- The GB Legislative Assembly has powers to legislate on certain matters related to governance and administration within GB.
- However, its authority is limited compared to the provincial legislatures, and certain key areas such as foreign affairs, defense, and finance remain under the control of the federal government.
In summary, the legislative structure of Pakistan comprises both federal and provincial legislatures, each with its own composition, functions, and areas of jurisdiction. While the federal legislature operates on a bicameral system with the Senate and National Assembly, provincial legislatures may operate on either unicameral or bicameral systems depending on the province. Additionally, GB has its own legislative assembly with limited powers compared to the provincial assemblies.