Chapter # 6 – Natural Resources

6.1.2 Describe the Types of Natural Resources (Renewable and Non-Renewable).

Natural resources can be broadly classified into two main types: renewable and non-renewable resources.

  1. Renewable Resources:
    • Renewable resources are those that can be replenished or replaced naturally over time, either through natural processes or human intervention.
    • These resources are typically sustainable and can be used repeatedly without depleting them.
    • Examples include:
      • Solar energy
      • Wind energy
      • Water (hydroelectric power)
      • Biomass (wood, crops, organic waste)
      • Geothermal energy
  1. Non-Renewable Resources:
    • Non-renewable resources are finite and cannot be replaced or replenished within a human lifespan or at the rate of their consumption.
    • Once these resources are depleted, they are gone forever.
    • Examples include:
      • Fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas)
      • Minerals (gold, silver, copper, iron)
      • Nuclear fuels (uranium)
    • Non-renewable resources are typically formed over millions of years through geological processes and are extracted through mining, drilling, or excavation.

Understanding the distinction between renewable and non-renewable resources is important for sustainable resource management and environmental conservation. While renewable resources offer a more sustainable and environmentally friendly option, non-renewable resources must be used judiciously to ensure their availability for future generations.

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