Pakistan Studies Quiz


Pakistan Studies Quiz (Pakistan Movement 1857-1947) - 11

1 / 10

After the war of independence, the British Government assumed control of India through:

2 / 10

Lord Curzon created province of NWFP in__________?

3 / 10

How many years Aurangzeb Alamgir ruled India?

4 / 10

How many years British dynasty ruled India?

5 / 10

How many years Iltutmish dynasty ruled India?

6 / 10

How many years Suri dynasty ruled India?

7 / 10

How many years slave dynasty ruled India?

8 / 10

Bengal was divided into two parts. In which part the Muslims were in majority?

9 / 10

Lord ________ issued an order of diving the province of Bengal into two parts in July 20, 1905.

10 / 10

Which act during the Indian freedom struggle was known as the ‘Black Bill’?

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Created by Shahid

Pak Studies Quiz

Pakistan Studies Quiz (Pakistan Movement 1857-1947) - 12

1 / 10

The provision for a separate electorate for Hindus and Muslims was made in___.

2 / 10

____ played an important role in the formation of the Indian National Congress. Name the English Officer.

3 / 10

The Rowlatt Act enactment immediately precedes____.

4 / 10

____ remarked, “Nehru is a patriot while Jinnah is a politician”

5 / 10

The Khilafat Movement was started by:

6 / 10

The Hunter Commission was appointed by the British to probe the:

7 / 10

In which year was the All-India Muslim League formed?

8 / 10

The All-India Muslim League was established to advocate for the rights and interests of which community?

9 / 10

In which city was the All-India Muslim League founded?

10 / 10

Who was the key figure in the formation of the All-India Muslim League?

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Created by Shahid

Pak Studies Quiz

Pakistan Studies Quiz (Pakistan Movement 1857-1947) - 13

1 / 10

Urdu Defense Association was founded In August 1900 in _____ City?

2 / 10

Name the city which was the central point of agitation against the partition of Bengal?

3 / 10

Which Hindu leader started a movement against the partition of Bengal?

4 / 10

Hindus started Swadeshi Movement in 7 August 1905, the Movement was started against_________?

5 / 10

The formation of the All-India Muslim League can be seen as a response to the growing influence of which political organization at that time?

6 / 10

Who was the first president of the All-India Muslim League?

7 / 10

The formation of the All-India Muslim League aimed to address the apprehensions of Muslims regarding their political future after which event?

8 / 10

Which ideology did the All-India Muslim League eventually adopt as its guiding principle?

9 / 10

The foundation of the All-India Muslim League was a precursor to the demand for which significant event in the history of the Indian subcontinent?

10 / 10

The All-India Muslim League was founded in response to concerns regarding the political representation of Muslims in which body?

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The average score is 54%



0 votes, 0 avg
Created by Shahid

Pak Studies Quiz

Pakistan Studies Quiz (Pakistan Movement 1857-1947) - 14

1 / 10

The system of Dyarchy was in operation from 1921 to_________?

2 / 10

Under the 1973 Constituent of the statesman who was sworn In as President of Pakistan?

3 / 10

Under Treaty of Allahabad Shah Alam 2 got the districts if kora & Allahabad & was also give an annual pension of Rs. 2.6 million, in return of his favor, which areas were given to the British by Shah Alam?

4 / 10

Who announced the communal award?

5 / 10

What was the important element in the strength of the revolt of 1857?

6 / 10

Buland Darwaza (gate of victory) was built by Akbar the Great to commemorate his conquest of Gujrat at?

7 / 10

Who founded Muhammadan Literary Society in 1863?

8 / 10

Act of 1935 consisted of how many sections?

9 / 10

The deliberation of Act 1935 preparation was printed over how many pages?

10 / 10

Act of 1935 contained how many schedules?

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