Pedagogy Quiz

5 votes, 5 avg
Created by Shahid

Pedagogy Quiz

Pedagogy Quiz (Perspective of education in pakistan) - 1

1 / 10

Who is considered the founder of Pakistan's education system?

2 / 10

Which educational policy of Pakistan aimed to promote national cohesion and integration?

3 / 10

What is the term for the traditional Islamic system of education in Pakistan?

4 / 10

Which organization is responsible for regulating higher education in Pakistan?

5 / 10

In Pakistan, which language is used as the medium of instruction in most schools and universities?

6 / 10

What is the purpose of Pakistan's National Curriculum Framework?

7 / 10

What is the primary focus of Pakistan's Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) system?

8 / 10

The Education vision–2025 was aimed at increasing public expenditure by the Federal Government to __________ of GDP by 2018.

9 / 10

Who is the current chairman of Higher Education Commission (HEC)?

10 / 10

The article 25-A of the Constitution obligates state to provide free and compulsory education up to class

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The average score is 67%



4 votes, 4.5 avg
Created by Shahid

Pedagogy Quiz

Pedagogy Quiz (Perspective of education in pakistan) - 2

1 / 10

The duration of the eleventh Five-year Education Development Plan is/was from ________ to ________.

2 / 10

According to Allama Iqbal Aim of the Education is       ?

3 / 10

Allama Iqbal suggested which subjects should be included in the curriculum?

4 / 10

Allama Iqbal given stress on which method of teaching?

5 / 10

System of education in a country is based on__________?

6 / 10

Aligarh Muslim university was established in which year?

7 / 10

Deoband movement focused more on which type education?

8 / 10

Deoband education system ignored what?

9 / 10

Scientific society was established by whom?

10 / 10

Aim of the scientific society was to translate ?

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The average score is 73%



3 votes, 5 avg
Created by Shahid

Pedagogy Quiz

Pedagogy Quiz (Perspective of education in pakistan) - 3

1 / 10

Policy of Nationalization of Education was first adopted by whom in 1972?

2 / 10

Darul Uloom Deoband was established in which year?

3 / 10

Supreme Interest of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan Life was?

4 / 10

M.A.O College Initially was a?

5 / 10

First Educational Conference held in which city of Pakistan?

6 / 10

First Educational Conference in Pakistan held from    to            .

7 / 10

First Educational Conference in Pakistan convened under the supervision?

8 / 10

Who was the first Education Minister of Pakistan?

9 / 10

Education Minister of Pakistan during his speech on the occasion of first education conference in 1947 proposed which dimension of education?

10 / 10

Which one was not among the purposes of Aligarh movement?

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The average score is 67%



3 votes, 5 avg
Created by Shahid

Pedagogy Quiz

Pedagogy Quiz (Perspective of education in pakistan) - 4

1 / 10

Objective of education under education conference 1947 were?

2 / 10

Council of Technical Education was recommended to establish under?

3 / 10

National Education Commission 1959 was established under the headship of?

4 / 10

Text Book Board was recommended to establish under?

5 / 10

Open University was established under the policy?

6 / 10

According to 1947 educational conference dimension of education was:

7 / 10

At the time of partition, the literacy rate of Pakistan was:

8 / 10

University grant commission was first recommended in:

9 / 10

National Education Policy 1979 was announced in.

10 / 10

What is the main objective of Pakistan's Madrasah Education System?

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The average score is 65%



2 votes, 5 avg
Created by Shahid

Pedagogy Quiz

Pedagogy Quiz (Perspective of education in pakistan) - 5

1 / 10

Which international organization has been involved in supporting education initiatives in Pakistan?

2 / 10

What is the term for the government policy that encourages the enrollment of girls in schools?

3 / 10

Which type of education system is followed by most private schools in Pakistan?

4 / 10

What is the main objective of Pakistan's National Education Policy (2021-2030)?

5 / 10

Which organization is responsible for the development and implementation of education policies in Pakistan?

6 / 10

What is the primary goal of Pakistan's National Education Policy (2009)?

7 / 10

Which organization in Pakistan is responsible for conducting the Central Superior Services (CSS) examination for recruitment into government positions?

8 / 10

Which educational policy introduced the concept of "Single National Curriculum" (SNC) in Pakistan?

9 / 10

What is the primary objective of Pakistan's National Education Policy (1979)?

10 / 10

Which educational policy aimed to provide free and compulsory education to all children aged 5 to 16 in Pakistan?

Your score is

The average score is 58%



2 votes, 5 avg
Created by Shahid

Pedagogy Quiz

Pedagogy Quiz (School Administration & Supervision) - 6

1 / 10

Who is responsible for the overall management of a school?

2 / 10

What is the primary purpose of school supervision?

3 / 10

Which of the following is NOT a role of a school administrator?

4 / 10

What is the term for the process of setting specific goals for a school or district?

5 / 10

Which leadership style involves a high level of involvement with subordinates and a focus on their needs and well-being?

6 / 10

What is the purpose of teacher evaluation in school administration?

7 / 10

Which of the following is a key responsibility of a school principal?

8 / 10

What is the term for the process of evaluating a school's programs and operations?

9 / 10

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an effective school administrator?

10 / 10

What is the term for a set of guidelines and expectations for student behavior?

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The average score is 72%



1 votes, 5 avg
Created by Shahid

Pedagogy Quiz

Pedagogy Quiz (School Administration & Supervision) - 7

1 / 10

In the context of school administration, what does the acronym IEP stand for?

2 / 10

Which of the following is a key responsibility of a school superintendent?

3 / 10

What is the primary focus of school supervision?

4 / 10

What is the purpose of a school improvement plan?

5 / 10

What is the term for a school's formal document that outlines its goals, policies, and procedures?

6 / 10

Which of the following is a key responsibility of a school counselor?

7 / 10

What is the primary focus of school finance management?

8 / 10

Which leadership style focuses on strict adherence to rules and procedures?

9 / 10

What is the primary focus of school finance management?

10 / 10

Who said "Supervision is the set of services and processes for teacher development to attain goals   of school"

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The average score is 63%



2 votes, 3.5 avg
Created by Shahid

Pedagogy Quiz

Pedagogy Quiz (School Administration & Supervision) - 8

1 / 10

The chief responsibility of the principal is:

2 / 10

A.D.P is an abbreviation of:

3 / 10

Supervision primarily involves

4 / 10

Supervision is a/an

5 / 10

The purposes of Supervision are

6 / 10

The primary functions of educational supervision is

7 / 10

Supervision should be primarily

8 / 10

A supervisor is one who

9 / 10

The criticism most frequently leveled at school administration is that

10 / 10

The effective supervision is indicated by

Your score is

The average score is 70%



2 votes, 5 avg
Created by Shahid

Pedagogy Quiz

Pedagogy Quiz (School Administration & Supervision) - 9

1 / 10

The school policy should be determined by

2 / 10

Laissez Faire supervision is based on

3 / 10

In teaching-learning process supervision is usually carried out by

4 / 10

Assessment of how well a school is performing is

5 / 10

Educational inspection is different from educational supervision in the area that

6 / 10

Educational supervision helps in

7 / 10

The main focus of educational supervision is

8 / 10

The objective of supervision is

9 / 10

The supervision helps in improving ______ process

10 / 10

Educational supervision is a service in

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The average score is 70%



2 votes, 5 avg
Created by Shahid

Pedagogy Quiz

Pedagogy Quiz (School Administration & Supervision) - 10

1 / 10

The main function of educational supervision is

2 / 10

Modern Supervision centers attention on skill, which of the following is not that skill?

3 / 10

Which of the following is considered as the best type of supervision

4 / 10

Creative and constructive supervision believes in –

5 / 10

In which type of the following supervision, everything regarding teachings is prescribed and the teachers are forced to follow what is predetermined?

6 / 10

The primary goal of school administration is to:

7 / 10

Effective school supervision involves:

8 / 10

School administrators use data analysis to:

9 / 10

The purpose of instructional leadership in school administration is to:

10 / 10

The purpose of a school supervisor conducting classroom observations is to:

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The average score is 70%



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