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The quality of a plan depends on the quality of the _____ that produces a plan.
A) Objectives
B) Process
C) Action
D) Content
There are _____ basic steps involved in planning –
A) 4
B) 5
C) 6
D) 7
A plan prepared by a particular institution on the basis of its own development and improvement is called –
A) Educational plan
B) School plan
C) Institutional plan
D) None of the above
Institutional planning means planning at the –
A) Highest level
B) Lowest level
C) District level
D) Village level
Institutional planning is an effort to make use of available resources to the –
A) Minimum
B) Optimum
C) Sufficient
D) Maximum
Institutional planning is –
A) Short term
B) Long term
C) Both of the above
D) None of the above
Institutional plan forms the basis of –
A) Village plan
B) District plan
C) State plan
D) National plan
Institutional planning is an index of _____________of an institution
A) Excellence
B) Autonomy
C) Quality
D) Standard
Institutional planning aims to –
A) Save time, money and materials
B) Involve every teacher in the plan preparation
C) Promote better co-operation among teachers
D) None of the above
“Planning is an act or process of making or carrying out plans”. Who gave this definition?
A) Webster’s International Dictionary
B) Oxford Dictionary
C) Wikipedia
D) None of the above
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