Who developed the concept of the “social contract” to explain the origin of political authority?
A) Thomas Hobbes
B) John Locke
C) Jean-Jacques Rousseau
D) Immanuel Kant

What is the term for a system of government in which power is shared between different levels of authority?
A) Unitary
B) Federal
C) Confederal
D) Autocracy

Who is known for his concept of “general will” in political philosophy, which represents the collective interests of society?
A) John Locke
B) Thomas Hobbes
C) Jean-Jacques Rousseau
D) Immanuel Kant

Which political ideology emphasizes the preservation of traditional social institutions and opposes rapid change?
A) Conservatism
B) Liberalism
C) Socialism
D) Fascism

Who wrote the book “The Wealth of Nations,” which laid the foundations of classical economics and capitalism?
A) Karl Marx
B) Adam Smith
C) John Maynard Keynes
D) Milton Friedman

What is the term for a system of government in which power is concentrated in the hands of a wealthy elite?
A) Oligarchy
B) Monarchy
C) Plutocracy
D) Theocracy

Who developed the concept of “survival of the fittest” in the context of evolutionary theory, which influenced social Darwinism?
A) Charles Darwin
B) Sigmund Freud
C) Herbert Spencer
D) Friedrich Nietzsche

Which political theory emphasizes the importance of collective ownership of the means of production and the abolition of private property?
A) Fascism
B) Socialism
C) Liberalism
D) Conservatism

Who is known for his theory of the “invisible hand” in economics, which describes the self-regulating nature of free markets?
A) John Maynard Keynes
B) Friedrich Hayek
C) Adam Smith
D) Milton Friedman

What is the term for a system of government in which power is vested in a hereditary ruler?
A) Oligarchy
B) Monarchy
C) Aristocracy
D) Theocracy

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