Skip to content What is the most important contribution of Herbert Spencer to Sociology? A) The theory of evolution B) The theory of social stratification C) The theory of social contract D) The theory of social change What principles did Herbert Spencer utilize to explain social evolution? A) Physical and biological evolution B) Social and cultural evolution C) Economic and political evolution D) Psychological and philosophical evolution According to Herbert Spencer, what is the movement in physical evolution? A) From simple to complex and homogeneity to heterogeneity B) From complex to simple and heterogeneity to homogeneity C) From uniformity to diversity and complexity to simplicity D) From diversity to uniformity and simplicity to complexit Which of the following is one of the three basic laws of evolution according to Spencer? A) The law of social equilibrium B) The law of social contract C) The law of persistence of force D) The law of social stratification What does the principle of the persistence of force state? A) Energy tends to persist without change B) Matter is indestructible C) Motion is continuous and never wholly dissipated D) All of the above According to Spencer, what is the principle of least resistance or greatest attraction? A) Evolution tends to move in the direction of least resistance B) Evolution tends to move in the direction of greatest attraction C) Both a and b D) None of the above What does Spencer argue is the ultimate fate of all phenomena in nature? A) Stability B) Growth C) Dissolution D) Equilibrium According to Spencer, what is the condition of homogeneity? A) Stable equilibrium B) Unstable equilibrium C) Dynamic equilibrium D) None of the above What is the concept borrowed by Spencer from biological evolution for his theory of social evolution? A) Survival of the fittest B) Natural selection C) Adaptation D) Speciation What does Spencer believe is the fate of weak creatures in the struggle for existence? A) They survive and evolve B) They make progress C) They are gradually eliminated D) They adapt to the environment Pages:
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There should be more details over other philosophers rather than Marx
Thank you for your feedback. I appreciate your perspective and will work on including more details about other philosophers in future content to provide a broader and more balanced view