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Select the correctly spelled word:
A) Unanimous
B) Unanamous
C) Unanymous
D) Unanimus
Identify the correct spelling:
A) Managable
B) Manageable
C) Manageble
D) Managible
Choose the properly spelled word:
A) Conceive
B) Conceve
C) Conciev
D) Concieve
Select the correctly spelled word:
A) Preferable
B) Preferabble
C) Preferable
D) Preferabble
Identify the correct spelling:
A) Dissapoint
B) Disappoint
C) Disapoint
D) Disapoint
Choose the properly spelled word:
A) Sincerely
B) Sincerly
C) Sincereley
D) Sincerley
Select the correctly spelled word:
A) Exaggeration
B) Exageration
C) Exaggeration
D) Exageration
Identify the correct spelling:
A) Embarrass
B) Embarass
C) Embarras
D) Embarrass
Choose the properly spelled word:
A) Inoculate
B) Innoculate
C) Inocullate
D) Inoculatte
Select the correctly spelled word:
A) Accomplish
B) Acomplish
C) Accomplissh
D) Accompliss
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