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How does test administration affect reliability?
A) It decreases reliability
B) It increases reliability
C) It has no effect on reliability
D) It depends on the invigilators
What is the role of test scoring in test reliability?
A) It increases reliability
B) It decreases reliability
C) It has no effect on reliability
D) It depends on the type of scoring
What is the most straightforward way to improve a test’s reliability?
A) Increase the test length
B) Calculate item-test correlations
C) Rewrite all test items
D) Change the method of estimation
What is usability in the context of assessment tools?
A) The ease of understanding the test
B) The extent to which a test can be used effectively and efficiently
C) The length of the test
D) The reliability of the test
What aspect of a test’s usability refers to its ease of administration and scoring?
A) Transparency
B) Security
C) Practicality
D) Reliability
How does transparency contribute to the usability of a test?
A) It increases usability
B) It decreases usability
C) It has no effect on usability
D) It depends on the type of test
What is the role of security in test reliability and validity?
A) It has no role
B) It increases reliability and validity
C) It decreases reliability and validity
D) It depends on the type of test
Which of the following is NOT a form of test?
A) Paper-and-pencil tests
B) Judgments by experts about behaviour
C) Physical tests
D) Work performance appraisals
What is the most important aspect of a test?
A) The form it takes
B) The way results are used
C) The scoring method
D) The number of questions
test validity means?
A) The accuracy of the test results
B) The reliability of the test
C) The appropriateness of using a test in a specific context
D) The ease of administration of the test
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