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What is an example of a test that measures a skill not directly observable?
B) IQ test
C) Physical fitness test
D) Personality test
What is the relationship between reliability and validity?
A) Reliability is more important than validity
B) Validity is more important than reliability
C) Reliability is a prerequisite for validity
D) Reliability and validity are unrelated
What are the different forms that tests can take?
A) Written responses, judgments by experts, numerical scores
B) Oral responses, observations by experts, multiple-choice questions
C) Physical demonstrations, written responses, numerical scores
D) None of the above
What is the most important aspect of a test?
A) Its design
B) Its reliability
C) How the results are used
D) The number of questions
How can a test be inappropriate in one context but appropriate in another?
A) It measures different things in different contexts
B) It is used differently in different contexts
C) It is designed differently for different contexts
D) It is validated differently for different contexts
What does test validity explicitly mean?
A) It means validating the use of a test in a specific context
B) It means ensuring the test is reliable
C) It means ensuring the test measures what it intends to measure
D) It means validating the results of a test
Which test is an example of a written test result with a pass/fail outcome?
A) Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
B) High school graduation test
C) Work performance appraisal
D) None of the above
What is the relationship between reliability and validity?
A) Reliability is necessary but not sufficient for validity
B) Reliability is not necessary for validity
C) Reliability is more important than validity
D) Reliability and validity are the same thing
Which method of measuring validity involves evaluating test items against test specifications by Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)?
A) Content validity
B) Construct validity
C) Predictive validity
D) Criterion validity
What does content validity involve?
A) It involves statistical analysis of test results
B) It involves evaluating the content of the test
C) It involves comparing test scores with external criteria
D) It involves predicting future performance based on test scores
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