Which type of validity refers to the degree to which a measure is correlated with other measures that it is theoretically predicted to correlate with?
A) Convergent validity
B) Discriminant validity
C) Criterion validity
D) Content validity

What is the purpose of measuring validity?
A) To ensure the test is reliable
B) To determine if the test measures what it is supposed to measure
C) To compare different tests
D) To establish the difficulty level of the test

Which validity method involves comparing test scores with measures of job performance?
A) Convergent validity
B) Discriminant validity
C) Criterion validity
D) Content validity

What does predictive validity assure?
A) How well the test predicts future behaviour
B) How well the test measures current behaviour
C) How well the test correlates with other tests
D) How well the test measures intelligence

What is the purpose of concurrent validity?
A) To compare test scores with future performance
B) To compare test scores with other similar tests
C) To measure the current validity of a test
D) To predict future performance based on current scores

What does construct validity measure?
A) The reliability of a test
B) The theoretical constructs that a test is designed to measure
C) The content of a test
D) The difficulty level of a test

Which type of validity refers to the extent to which a test measures a particular trait or skill consistently?
A) Content validity
B) Construct validity
C) Predictive validity
D) Reliability

What is the purpose of discriminant validity?
A) To determine the difficulty level of a test
B) To ensure the test measures what it is supposed to measure
C) To determine if the test is reliable
D) To ensure the test does not correlate with unrelated measures

What are some factors that can affect the validity of a test?
A) Instructions, language structure, test length
B) Test items, ambiguity, test administration
C) Reliability, test scores, test content
D) None of the above

What is the relationship between reliability and validity?
A) Reliability is more important than validity
B) Reliability is necessary but not sufficient for validity
C) Reliability and validity are the same thing
D) Reliability is not necessary for validity

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